Tuesday, 12 May 2009

shoot the sherbet

a sherbet spring

i love this photo shoot created by stylist pirjo niemela.
the colours are so fresh, with a beautiful eclectic mixture of clothing.

Sunday, 10 May 2009


Magazine: Calle20 (www.20minutos.es/calle20/ )
Photographer- Paco Peregrín (
www.pacoperegrin.com )

Styling- Kattaca (www.kattaca.com )

Make up artist- Lewis Amarante
Hairdressing- Daniel Martin (http://www.danielmartingroup.com/)

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

the tattoo trend

are tattoos simply a fashion trend? 
with so many people these days inking their skin it has become a modern day phenomenon...but will it go out of fashion? is there going to be some special way of not maintaining the quality of the image when the skin gets old and wrinkly?! 
some i love and some i hate, but i can't help thinking, no trend lasts forever. i change my wardrobe, hair and general style far too much to be sure of having something on me forever!
this photoshoot is way back from december 2007, vogue italia, but i thought it was appropriate for my thoughts!

fashion week down under

source: http://themoment.blogs.nytimes.com/category/womens-fashion/

having recently completed a fashion project for uni on glam rock, my eye caught this fun collection from ash..found from one of my favourite spanish blogs


Sunday, 3 May 2009

it was my 20th birthday last wednesday
had an awesome day and night with friends, went and saw la roux before we went out..best known for 'in for the kill' with various remixes.