i thought this article was really interesting..lady gaga introducing fashion as a huge part of her image alongside her music, more so than any other artist....and then displayed as film an viewed by millions.
famously wearing gareth pugh and alexander mcqueen whilst performing she really has caused quite a stir in both the fashion and music industries.
i've selected parts of the article...
"Since the Bad Romance video was launched on YouTube on November 10th, it has been viewed more than 30 million times. To put that into perspective, Madonna’s curre
nt single, Celebration, has only been viewed 1 million times since it debuted on YouTube on October 14th.
In total, Lady Gaga’s videos have been viewed more than 500 million times on YouTube, the equivalent of almost 40 appearances on X-Factor, which attracted an estimated 13 million viewers yesterd
ay evening."
since this article, the youtube count for bad romance alone has eculated to just under 57million.
"It’s no wonder that Forbes Magazine recently declared that “Lady Gaga isn’t the music indu"stry’s new Madonna. She’s its new business model.” However, what th
e Forbes article failed to note is that Lady Gaga may very well be revolutionising the fashion business as well
"Ms. Gaga may now be the single most powerful editorial machine for fashio
n designers looking for mass exposure."
"Incidentally, th
ere’s one other brand that appears conspicuously in the fashion credits of Bad Romance. “The Haus of Gaga” is credite
d with several items from different scenes from the video. Could an eponymous Lady Gaga fashion label be the next phase in Ms. Gaga’s plans for gl
obal domination? Stay tuned."